So hubby's response to reading my first blog, "I didn't think it was so hard being married to me." Uh, oh. Not exactly the response I was looking for. So today, the top ten reasons why being a fireman's wife rocks.
#10: his work schedule (who wouldn't want their husband to have 6 out 9 days off?)
#9: the firehouse is the best and easiest field trip for children (especially his own)
#8: those plastic fire hat they give to the kids provide hours of entertainment.
#7: I always have access to EMS.
#6: the nights he's working I get to count cereal as dinner.
#5: Since (I say this with love and affection) fireman never really grow up, he is a fantastic dad b/c he relates so well with the kids.
#4: Sweet overtime pay.
#3: Honestly, truly, I love the smell of a firehouse.
#2: Thanks to his physically demanding job, I have a sexy man to look at.
and the #1 reason being married to a fireman rocks.....
#1: HELLO!!! I get to be married to a FIREMAN! What women doesn't dream about that?
After the hubs got home I realized I forgot the most important reason being a fireman's wife rocks. When he got home he'd just finished 8 hours of fighting a fire downtown. My kids can honestly say that their dad is a hero. Love ya, honey.