so the holidays are finally over. my husband worked overtime christmas eve night and all day on christmas. so, we had our family christmas on sunday. our kids are little, so they don't care when christmas is, just so long as it comes. we were able to do something that very few people will ever be able to say they have done: we had dinner at the fire station christmas night. there is something so comforting about being surrounded by other women and children who are living the same life i am. i don't know about other fire departments, but the two i have experience with have both been very family oriented. loved hanging out with all the fire families at the station.
a few days ago i went through my oldest two children's drawers. i found a few things that i knew would be perfect to "recycle". i cut off a pair of my son's old jeans, added some cute fabric and came up with this skirt.

then i cut up two shirts and a pair of pants to make this cozy scarf. i told my son we would go to the store and get some material to make him a scraf.
in other news, i stuck to my goal of maintaining my weight for the holiday season. now it's really time to kick it into gear and lose these extra 10 lbs.
wish me luck!