spring has finally sprung in my neck of the woods. the grass is green, daffodils are opening, trees are starting to bud, and we have been gardening something fierce! after we moved to our new home we went 2 years without a yard. very frustrating considering we had moved from a home with a fully landscaped/fenced yard. well, last fall we installed a sprinkler system and seeded the yard. this year we have gone buck-nutty planting flowers and bushes and trees. the hubs is a big fan of yard work so he's been creating multi-leveled flower beds and stone paths like nobody's business and, if i do say so myself, he has done a wonderful job.
i've been crafting, sewing, and experimenting in the kitchen. any little thing to give myself a break from the day to day tasks. not that i mind the day to day tasks. in fact, i know that one day i will miss all the chores i find so tedious right now. i made this wall art out of a thrift store clock, scarp book paper i had lying around, and extra trim we had for the frame.
the picture doesn't really do this piece justice. our camera isn't that great, but i think you get the general idea. i loved making it!
tomorrow, hubby goes back to work after a 3 week break. not a fun break mind you...he had his tonsils taken out. yes, it is as hard on adults as they say it is. i almost want to take all my kids in and have all their tonsils out now so it's easier on them.
i've also been working out in an attempt to return to my pre-baby body. i only have about 2 lbs to lose and then it's all about the toning. i love going to the gym. it's my time away from the home when i get to focus on me and only me. i think every mom needs that sometimes.
That clock looks so cute! Having been in your house and all, I'll bet it's awesome! I love the colors.